În perioada 1-8 august 2016, Asociaţia Connections România a luat parte la un schimb de tineri desfăşurat în Zakopane, Polonia. Tema proiectului a fost limbile europene.

În cadrul acestui proiect finanţat de programul Erasmus +, participanţii din Germania, Italia, Lituania, România şi Polonia au fost implicaţi în activităţi care au pus accent pe comunicare, dezvoltarea competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă străină, promovarea cetăţeniei active şi a toleranţei.

Metodele non-formale folosite au ajutat tinerii să descopere importanţa comunicării, originea comună a unor termeni, au învăţat despre cultura ţărilor participante şi au descoperit localitatea Zakopane din apropierea Munţilor Tatra.

Printre activităţile cele mai importante se numară: city game, simulation game, energizers, NGO market, intercultural nights, language workshops şi o excursie la celebrul lac Morskie Oko din Parcul Naţional Tatra.

„Dacă ar trebui să descriu într-un cuvânt experienţa din Zakopane, aş spune: ‘spectacular’!!! De ce? Mi-a plăcut enorm faptul că m-am regăsit printre toţi participanţii şi împreună puteam schimba păreri şi amintiri sau experienţe de viaţă Voi rămâne tot timpul cu amintirile frumoase din proiect: cum am învăţat să gătim spaghetti de la grupul italienilor, jocul în care trebuia să ne facem înţeleşi folosind limba natală; şi bineînţeles, energizerele propuse de participanţii fiecărei ţări implidate în proiect.”(Alice)

„Toate activităţile desfăşurate au fost extrem de interesante şi utile şi în calitate de cadru didactic specializat pe limbi străine, cu siguranţă le voi pune în practică la orele cu elevii mei. Locaţia proiectului, Zakopane – Polonia a reprezentat cea mai inspirată alegere: un oraş de munte, departe de agitaţia urbană, cu peisaje minunate şi aer curat, cu oameni liniştiţi şi prietenoşi. Organizatorii proiectului au manifestat un interes deosebit faţă de tot ceea ce a însemnat participarea noastră acolo: cu o atitudine prietenoasă şi deschisă, ne-au oferit sprijn în tot ceea ce am avut nevoie. Comunicarea a fost cuvântul cheie, atât la nivelul participanţilor şi organzatorilor, cât şi la nivelul grupului nostru.”(Daniela)

La finalul proiectului, cei 35 de tineri au primit certificatul Youthpass care atestă cunoştinţele dobândite într-un mediu non-formal.


English version 

The project “Europe Languages” was held in Zakopane, Poland between August 1st and August 8th 2016. The countries involved in this youth exchange were Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Romania (represented by Sonia Teodoriu, Alice Moisă, Daniela Dragnea, Florin Ciobanu, Mihai Mihalache and Elena-Cristina Torcătoru as group leader). This project tried to answer the question to what extent the national languages of the participating countries were similar, what they had in common and what divided them. Countries participating in the project are the countries, which might seem to have a lot in common, but if you look more closely at their history, in thinking about each other, there are still many stereotypes – often unfair and prejudiced. Analysis of national languages and their evolution through the ages in the context of the historical background aims to show young people that represent the culture of each country. Youth first draws knowledge about the history of the school but also the environment in which grows from family, peers and neighbors. Prejudices against other groups very easily take root in the minds of young people, and fight with them is prohibitively difficult. Therefore, the project will not only provide an opportunity for shared learning different languages and learn about history, but most of all to deal with the widely prevailing opinions made by countries that have a lot in common and which are within close proximity.

Participants will face their own perceptions, stereotypes, during classes held outside formal methods. Important activities under the project which will put emphasis will be:

• increase cultural competence through contact with peers of other nationalities

• diagnosis of the causes of prejudice against people of the countries participating in the project

• developing viable methods to promote integration across boundaries between young people in the countries participating in the project.

• increase the participants’ language competence through constant communication in English during the action.

• planning of evaluation activities with regard to the time series, which is a measurement time just to see the change in the attitude of the participants.

Our participants’ confessions are the best way to describe the atmosphere during the project: “This project helped me understand better the cultural differences between several nations of the European Union as well as the similarities. The topic allowed me to learn both words and gestures that express different things in all the participants languages. Also, it was a great experience to play with translations of specific expressions of the participant countries and to try to understand what the others said when they spoke in their native language. In addition to this all the games in which we realised the different way of thinking about society and of understanding the roles of the active people in the organisation of our world. All in all, I will never say no to a project in Zakopane. It was amazing!” (Sonia)

At the end of the project, all 35 participants received the Youthpass, according to Erasmus + rules.


By Connections

Misiunea Asociatiei este asigurarea progresului sociatatii umane in orice domeniu, cresterea calitatii vietii umane si a eficientei activitatilor sociale si economice, consolidarea societatii civile si a statului de drept impreuna cu promovarea dezvoltarii unei civilizatii globale si a unui sistem institutional adecvat nevoilor acesteia avand in vedere interesul national si urmarind schimbarea mentalitatilor in conformitate cu spiritul timpului si a realitatilor secolului XXI, prin educatie, cultura si promovarea dreputurilor si libertatilor omului conform valorilor secolului XXI.